How To Play Yu-Gi-Oh Trading Card Game
Welcome to the world of Yu-Gi-Oh! Get ready to summon monsters, cast spells, and outsmart your opponent in this strategic trading card game. Here's a quick rundown to get you started on how to play the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game:
The Basics
The Goal is to reduce your opponent's Life Points (LP) to 0 before they do the same to you. You start with 8000 LP.
The Cards
You'll have three types of cards:
- Monsters: These come in different levels (stars) and attack/defence points. You use them to battle your opponent's monsters and directly attack their LP.

- Spells: These provide temporary effects or buffs, allowing you to summon stronger monsters, destroy your opponent's cards, or heal your LP.

- Traps: Set these face-down on the field. When activated (usually by your opponent's actions), they can negate spells/traps, destroy monsters, or give you other advantages.

Your Deck
Build a deck of 40 cards following the official list to make sure it's tournament legal (check the Forbidden & Limited Lists online). You'll also want a 15-card Side Deck to customize against specific opponents later.

Playing a Turn:
Each turn is divided into phases:
- Draw Phase: Draw a card (except the first turn player on their first turn).
- Standby Phase: Certain card effects activate here.
Main Phase 1: This is where you do most things:
- Normal Summon: Summon 1 monster face-up in Attack Position or face-down in Defence Position (most monsters can only be Normal Summoned once per turn).
- Special Summon: Use monster effects or Spell cards to summon monsters from your hand or deck in special ways (explained later as you learn more).
- Play Spell/Trap Cards: Activate these from your hand to alter the game.
- Battle Phase: Declare attacks! Monsters in Attack Position can attack your opponent's monsters or directly attack their LP if your opponent has no monsters. Damage is calculated based on attack and defence points.
- Main Phase 2: You can perform any of the actions from Main Phase 1 here, but only if you didn't do them already.
- End Phase: Discard down to your hand limit (usually 6 cards).
Yu-Gi-Oh Trading Card Game Rules
Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG revolves around turn-based gameplay, involving phases like Draw, Main, Battle, and End. You will need to understand card types (Monster, Spell, Trap), summoning mechanics (Normal, Tribute, Fusion, etc.), and Battle Phase rules. Discover all the rules and download the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game rulebook
Winning the Duel
The first player to reduce their opponent's LP to 0 wins! You can also lose if you run out of cards in your deck to draw or if a specific win condition card effect activates.
Getting Started:
Now you've had a basic intro into the world of Yu-Gi-Oh, it's time to grab a Starter Deck or build your own, find a friend, and start duelling!
Please remember, these are just the basics so be sure to head over to the Yu-Gi-Oh website and read through their helpful beginners guide and rulebook.
Still struggling? Check out this video: A Complete Beginners Guide to the Yu-Gi-Oh Trading Card Game (TGC) for an in depth run through of everything you need to know.